Planning for Your Pets: Pet Trusts and Other Options
Many of you know that we’re a dog-friendly business; our office dog, Sammy, comes to work every day here at the Slaton Schauer Law Firm, PLLC. Pets are not only occasional co-workers, but are often members of the family as well– deserving of care and protection even in the absence of their owners. Planning for […]
Easy Business Succession Planning

Many Estate Planning attorneys shy away from business succession planning, but if you approach it like you do any other asset, it’s not so scary! First, it’s important to understand that entities involve not just the business relationship, but family relationships as well. Often, businesses start with one or maybe two members of a senior generation who have the funds, desire, and connections to create the business. It’s not always clear, though, what will happen when that senior generation retires, or worse yet, dies unexpectedly.