We’ve all seen those do-it-yourself websites that offer wills, trusts, and estate planning, right? Everything included at a cheap, flat rate that includes a lot of promises and marketing. What could go wrong?

Speaking frankly, it has been our experience that these either 1) require a lot of clean-up work, or 2) are a recipe for nasty probate matters. Although handling probate matters is within our scope of services here at the Slaton Schauer Law Firm, PLLC, we would prefer for our friends and clients to avoid these headaches altogether.

With that in mind, what are the downsides to do-it-yourself systems? What about a holographic (hand-written) will? Why shouldn’t you rely on documents you found online? You may be creating more issues for your family! Our friend Tereina detailed some of the common issues in a recent article that we think is worth reading; you can go directly to it by clicking here.